Hi Praytell.
Real consistent practice of breathing, movement, eating well, and showing up moment after moment in our presence is our true work.
The intention of this space is to provide systems that will support who you are and not what you do.
This invitation will require humility and a willingness to return to yourself and each other, over and over and over again.
We like to call this - “little things, often.”
We enjoyed speaking with you in the group and would like to learn more about you individually.
Physical Wellbeing
The Invitation:
To get at least 150 minutes of movement per week (roughly 20 minutes per day)
Movement will include varying intensities.
Low - Walking (7K steps/day), Mobility
Medium - Body Weight Circuit
High - Strength + Full Body Circuit with Dumbbells
Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
Pick someone on the Praytell team to be an accountability partner(s). To support one another, send a screenshot of your steps to each other at the end of the day.
Get Specific. What time are you going to move? Can you set out what you will be wearing?
Use your environment or technology to remind you to move. For example, set an alarm on Alexa to remind you to stand up and stretch every 40-60 minutes.
Boost your energy with morning exercise. Even if you need to go to the gym or exercise after work, make sure you do at least the very least 60 seconds of movement to get your heart-rate up and lymph flowing. There's an app/video called the Seven Minute Workout you can do for a quick morning sesh.
The Invitation: The 3-2-1 Method
3 servings of vegetables
2 servings of fruit per day
1 large bottle of water minimum
Prioritize high quality protein for satiation and lean muscle mass, followed by low-glycemic carbohydrates or starches (quinoa, sweet potato, lentils, etc.) and moderate healthy fats (avocado, nuts, coconut and seeds) in their whole form. *This is a well balanced meal.
The more that you cook for yourself and find take-out that aligns with your desires. Order takeout but make your own vegetables. Remove processed foods the best that you can.
Eat within a 12-hour window (e.g. 8am-8pm)
Plan ahead. Use batch cooking, meal prep, or simply plan your meals so that you are less likely to make impulsive choices that are not in alignment with your long-term intentions. Use the Meal Planner + Food Journal to plan and take inventory of your nourishment.
Don’t restrict food or entirely eliminate things that you love, but try to make the most full choice. For example, instead of eating a Milky Way bar, opt for 1-2 pieces of a high quality dark chocolate bar such as Hu Kitchen’s. Instead of completely eliminating pasta, try some GF pasta from jovial. The point being, you should enjoy your life by incorporating slightly fuller choices often.
The Invitation:
Do either 4 - 7 - 8 Breath Work, Guided Meditation (MG Meditation or Calm App) or Journaling every single morning.
Read a few pages everyday. There's tons of literature on whatever your goals, pick relevant books and commit to at least 5 pages a day.
Daily 3 + Ritual Reminder - these worksheets help us stay aware with what is serving us and which areas are obstacles.
Use visualization. When we can see and feel ourselves into the future that we desire, we can then create it.
Recognize hidden trauma.
Here are some examples of:
I don't have time.
I'm just a workaholic.
I just have to finish doing ________ then I can do ________.
I'm too busy.
I’ve already tried that before.
Common mental frameworks which WILL invite us to connect with our true intentions.
My daily happiness is essential, mandatory and my responsibility.
I create tools + systems to enjoy my life without compromising my health.
My needs matter therefore I will respect & honor my boundaries.
I am committed to making my health and wellness a priority.
I try new things often and I am willing to learn.
The Invitation:
To craft and curate an environment that promotes whole health and habits simply.
Get as much natural light, as possible, especially in the morning.
Go outside.
Bring plants into the house and spend time in nature.
Limit bright, artificial light before the end of the day.
Groom your environment. Design your space to promote brain health, limit processed and refined foods that can be an obstacle, etc.