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The closer you get to the things you want, the scarier it feels.

We need dreamers, artists, healers, and all of us to find the courage to lean into possibility to create anew for the entire group. While designing my life I have learned several important lessons, and I want to share them with you:

Acknowledge your desires without guilt or fear. We deserve to want what we want. Writing down our desires in detail helps make them more real. When I wrote about my dream apartment, I described everything, from the sunlight streaming through the windows, to a cozy reading nook and creaky original wood floors. Acknowledging and releasing the fears and doubts that prevent our evolution is a blessing. Embrace playfulness in your dreaming. Create mood boards, design playlists, and let your imagination run with infinite abandon.

Creation is always ongoing. Each of us is meant to have a joyful and expansive experience, but it is up to us to determine how we achieve that. The Universe cannot tell if the vibration we emit is due to something we are observing, recalling, or imagining. It simply receives our vibration and responds with corresponding matches.  Cultivate a sense of possibility and faith. Believing that our dreams are not only possible but already on their way to us is powerful. Whenever doubt creeps in, try to follow it with faith not in what you want but faith in your own power to create.

Feel the joy it brings before it happens. Feeling the excitement of having your desires fulfilled is another crucial step. Visualize living your dream life and allow the excitement and energy to guide your actions and decisions, keeping you aligned with our goals.

Visualizations have been transformative for me. Spend time visualizing your dreams. I picture myself already living in that beautiful apartment. I see myself  ‘acting as if’ I already have what I desire. This doesn’t mean living beyond your means but instead embodying the feelings and behaviors that align with your desired reality. If you desire abundance, act with generosity and gratitude for what you already have. Visualizations are catalysts for us to take daily actions that are aligned with our overall intentions. 

Manifestation includes collective imagination. Surround yourself with individuals who support and uplift one other’s dreams. Share your visions and collaborate on making them a reality. Eva’s encouragement gave me the boost I needed to keep believing that a space to live and create exists for me.

We can honor where we are. This helps us appreciate where we currently are while also making sure we make the most out of the spaces and activities we currently occupy. Taking time to pour into even our temporary spaces is an expression of sincere gratitude. These gestures demonstrate we are not “waiting” to live, create, build or love life.Each new addition to our life will then become an extension of who we already are without waiting for external changes to connect to our wholeness.

Living the life we desire requires integrating these principles into our daily routines. Cultivate gratitude for what you already have, stay present and mindful in your activities. Speak to yourself with kindness and encouragement.